How to Clean Cordaroy Bean Bag? – Easy Guide

How to Clean Cordaroy Bean Bag? – Easy Guide

Do you have a Cordaroy bean bag that has become dirty and cannot be used without cleaning it? If that is the case, this guide will help you out in the process. A dirty bean bag not only looks bad but also smells so awful that no one even wants to come close to it.

And forget about lounging or sleeping on it. Learn how to clean your Cordaroy bean bag at home like a pro. Also, you might find our cleaning tips helpful that will ensure your bean bag sticks around for a long time.

How to Clean Cordaroy Bean Bag Like a Pro?

You are bean bag became dirty? Fret not, with caution and care, you can quickly remove the majority of stains with ease. The given methods for Cordaroy bean bag cleaning can tackle nasty things including dirt, debris, and more are as follows:

Vacuum Cleaning Method

The first method for cleaning your Cordaroy bean bag is to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris by vacuuming it. Follow the steps given below to vacuum clean the bean bag:

  1. Use a soft bristle brush on the cover to get rid of loose debris, dirt, and dust from the surface. Make sure to use the brush that is suitable for your bean bag cover’s fabric.
  2. Use the upholstery attachment or a brush with your vacuum cleaner specifically designed for delicate fabrics.
  3. Adjust the suction power to a lower setting to prevent the fabric from stretching or getting damaged.
  4. Gently run the upholstery attachment or brush over the entire surface of the bean bag, moving in even strokes to capture dirt and dust.
  5. Make sure to focus on the ridges of the cover, as dirt can easily accumulate in these areas. Use the brush or attachment to lift away any debris trapped between the walls.

Other than a vacuum, you can use a lint roller to remove particles such as pet hair trapped in the outer shell.

Spot Cleaning Method 

Be vigilant and you can do spot-stain treatment on your bean bag cover and put off the need for a thorough cleaning for a very long time.

In the majority of the cases, spilled food or beverages are what we notice as dirt on a Cordaroys bean bag. These types of stains are easily removable with the help of spot cleaning. Plus, you don’t have to get into the trouble of emptying your bean bag to clean it.

Use a clean terry cloth or clean towel along with a cleaning solution of mild detergent & warm water and apply it on stains in soft, circular motions. Do so without hard scrubbing or using strong chemicals including bleach products otherwise, it will harm your bean bag’s fabric or color and even affect your health.

You can also search for spot cleaners made specifically for the fabric of your bean bag, such as leather conditioners or spot cleaners for stains on leather fabric. After cleaning the bean bag, let it air dry. Once it is dried, you can use it.

Use caution while using anything on your bean bag if you are unsure of its effects and safety. Or you can test it on a small area of your bean bag. If it is good enough, you can apply it to the overall thing.

Another thing for you to keep in mind is to use a sponge or brush to remove any stubborn dirt or stains that are safe and designed specifically for your bean bag cover’s material or fabric or else it will ruin it.

cordaroy bean bag chair 7ft

Here are some examples:

  • Use a damp cloth to clean the vinyl fabric. Avoid using a metal bristle brush for it. 
  • Use a soft bristle brush for the suede bean bag to remove dirt or debris from it. Avoid using a hard bristle brush such as a toothbrush.

Spot cleaning is also used to clean the inside of the bean bag i.e. the mattress. Use a cleaning solution made up of mild soap and water. But the inside of the mattress along with its filling i.e. polyurethane foam contents cannot be cleaned or they will be ruined.

But if you will use blankets or sheets for protection, you won’t require to clean it. Also, generally, you won’t require to clean it. Use the CordaRoys bed protector for extra protection and forget about the mattress becoming dirty for years to come.

It protects the mattress from impurities such as stains, spills, and dirt. They are also waterproof, which is fantastic if you have kids who accidentally spill things over the bed.

Machine Wash for Deep Cleaning

A thorough deep cleaning will keep your CordaRoy’s bean bag looking and smelling its best, regardless of whether your furry friend tracked in dirt from outdoors, you’ve observed typical dirt build-up from daily use, or your children unintentionally spilled any drink on it. 

If you have a Cordaroy bean bag with a removable cover, you can easily clean it. Don’t worry about tearing or ripping the covers as they are quite durable.

You can easily wash the CordaRoy bean bag and get it back to looking brand-new from the factory thanks to its easy-to-clean and removable covers.

  1. Just open the bean bag’s zipper and take off the cover.
  2. This step is optional, you may skip it. Spend some time spot-cleaning any stains on the removed outer shell that you might have not seen while it was on the bean bag. It’s crucial if you have a CordaRoys Nest bean bag chair because they have a specific bottom where stains can hide.
  3. After cleaning the cover, throw it in the washer with your regular detergent.
  4. You can then line dry it or use the machine dryer, although air drying will preserve the fabric and increase the cover’s life.
  5. Put the cover back on after it has dried to quickly restore the new appearance of your plush piece of furniture.
  6. Once dried, put the cover back on, assemble the bean bag, and make your plush piece of furniture look new again in no time.
  7. Before using, fluff the bean bag. Fluff the filling by kneading and massaging it. This will help restore the bean bag’s original shape and comfort. If you feel the filling is less or your bean bag is hungry, feed it with CordarRoy’s foam filling.

How to Get the Smell Out of a CordaRoys Bean Bag?

Over time, your CordaRoys bean bags can develop unwanted odors. Though cleaning them tackles most of the smells, they can still linger.

Using Baking Soda

Here’s how to get rid of those bad smells using baking soda:

  • Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the entire surface of the bean bag. Baking soda is a natural odor absorber and tackles foul smells in an effective way.
  • Allow the baking soda to sit on the bean bag for one hour at minimum, or overnight if possible. This will give it enough time to absorb the odors.
  • Post that, use the upholstery attachment or brush on your handheld vacuum cleaner to remove the baking soda thoroughly. Make sure to cover the entire surface, paying extra attention to the edges where odors tend to accumulate.
  • After vacuuming, spray an odor-neutralizing fabric spray or fabric freshener like Febreeze over the entire bean bag. This will help freshen up the fabric and leave a pleasant scent. Before spraying, test it on a small area of the fabric. Also, make sure to follow the instructions on the spray bottle for the best results.

Using White Vinegar

You can also use white vinegar and water cleaning solution to get rid of smells from the bean bag.

  1. Mix warm water and white vinegar in a 1:1 ratio to make the solution.
  2. Then, stir in a drop of dish soap to create some suds.
  3. Next, dip a clean sponge or cloth into the solution and squeeze it out.
  4. Before moving forward, test it on the bean bag to ensure it does not affect it.
  5. Once cleared, use the wet sponge or cloth to gently scrub the bean bag.
  6. Dip it again in the solution as you require. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t soak the sponge. Only damp it a bit.
  7. Then let it air dry.

Another Way

An out-of-the-box way to tackle foul smells is to give your bean bag a couple of good tosses up and down, as well as some good plops and punches. This moves up the foam filling and lets more air to flow into the bean bag’s internal area, which makes the bade smells escape from there.

Cat or Dog Peed on Cordaroy Bean Bag – How to Wash It?

If your pet, either dog or cat peed on your CordaRoys bean bag, you can clean it by following the method given below.

Step 1.

Clean the cover as told earlier.

Step 2.

Use an enzyme cleaner like Nature’s Miracle to clean the mattress. Have one gallon of the cleaning product just to be on the safe side.

Step 3. 

Next, place a plastic layer like a big garbage bag under the affected area of the mattress where the urine stain is present.

Step 4.

Apply the enzyme cleaner to the area. Wet it well so that it goes inside the mattress.

Step 5.

Then, cover the top part of the pee spot with more plastic bags.

Step 6.

Allow it to soak for at least one day.

Step 7.

Finally, remove the plastic and check whether or not the smell is still there in the affected area. Most probably, the smell will not be there anymore.

This is an alcohol-based enzyme cleaner, Which is why it will not mildew or mold from sitting wet on the mattress. Once you remove the plastic cover from the area, It will evaporate with the passage of time.

 If the foul odor is still there, add some more Nature’s Miracle to the area and repeat the whole process.

Step 8.

Once the mattress is completely dried out and cleaned, put the cover again and fluff the bean bag. After fluffing, you can safely use it.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for CordaRoys Bean Bags

When cleaning the Cordaroy’s bean bag, it’s important to prepare the surface and remove any loose debris. Here are some tips that can help you out:

  • Empty the Bean Bag: If possible, remove the filling from the bean bag and set it aside in a clean and dry area. This will make it easier to clean the fabric thoroughly.
  • Check for Care Instructions: Look for any care labels or instructions provided by the manufacturer. These guidelines will give you specific information on how to clean the cordaroy fabric without causing damage.
  • Spot Test: Before applying any cleaning solution to the entire bean bag, perform a spot test on a small, inconspicuous area. This will ensure that the cleaning method and solution do not cause discoloration or damage to the fabric.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Clean the Inside of a CordaRoy Bean Bag?

It is not recommended to clean the inside of a CordaRoy bean bag. To protect the mattress, use protectors or bed sheets.

Can You Wash a Cordaroy Bean Bag Cover?

Yes, Cordaroy bean bag covers are machine and hand washable.

How Do You Clean a Cordaroy Bag?

To clean the Cordaroy bean bag, remove the cover, toss it in the washing machine, use mild detergent, and air dry it.

Are CordaRoy Covers Washable?

Yes, CordaRoy covers are totally safe to be washed in a washing machine.

Enjoy Your Cleaned Cordaroy Bean Bag!

So, that was everything that you need to know about cleaning your CordaRoys bean bag. You can easily do this task if you approach it with the right method and care. Cleaning your bean bag will let you look good, smell fresh, comfy, and preserve it for many years to come. 

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Kade Wiley
By Kade Wiley

Kade Wiley has a qualification in Interior Design & Decoration and has a passion for all things related to beanbags. He has dedicated his services to provide maximum information to homeowners on issues related to bean bags. Besides writing, Kade loves to travel around the world.

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